Booklet International islamic Education Expo Tahun 2017
Booklet International islamic Education Expo,
A. Rationale
International Islamic Education Expo (IIEE) is presumably the biggest educational event that will be conducted by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Republic of Indonesia, at the end of 2017. A couple of programs will be integrated into the expo, including Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS), Global Peace Declaration, and Islamic Education Appreciation. The Expo will take place at Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), a new emerging destination of the MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions) industry in Indonesia. Arranged to last for four days from 21 to 24 November 2017, the expo will be enlivened by approximately 200 booths
provided for participants from both domestic and overseas education and partner institutions. The purpose of the Expo is to expose Indonesian Islamic Education in order to be well- known by both national and international communities. By joining the Expo, it is
expected that the visitors will be benefited to gain adequate information about the wide range of Indonesian Islamic Education treasures across the long history of Islam in the country as well as its recent developments. To the government of the Republic of Indonesia, especially the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Expo is considered essential and strategic to promote its potentialities. Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim community in the world. With no less than 200 million population identifying themselves as Muslim (87.2% of Indonesia's total population), it makes Islam being the dominant religion in the country. Furthermore, the country is also well-known as a nation with numerous local cultures and various ethnics and religions. Despite the diversity, however, they can live together in peace and harmony.
Compared to any other Muslim countries, Indonesia is predominant in that it has a vast number of Islamic education institutions under the Ministry of Religious Affairs, ranging from madrasah (75.000 institutions approximately), pesantren(28.000), to higher education institutions (600 Islamic universities). These institutions are mostly
established by private institutions and religious-social organisations, such as Al- Khairat, Al-Washliyah, Nahdlatul Wathan, Mathlaul Anwar, Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, Al-Irsyad, and Persatuan Islam (PERSIS). In addition to managing schools and universities, these organisations are also concerned to other public services, such as helth and monetary services. In fact, schools, universities and hospitals are to be found easily across the country under the name of these organisations, especially the two largest ones, i.e. Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah. The existence of these organisations plays pivotal roles in arousing religious movements in general and
education movements in particular. It is also worth mentioning that the history of Islamic Education in Indonesia has witnessed the emergence of influential Muslim scholars (ulama) through their
monumental academic works, such as Syekh Nawawi al Bantany (1813-1897), Syekh Yusuf al Makassary (1626-1699), Syekh Nuruddin ar-Raniry (1658), Syekh Abdus Samad al-Falimbany (1704-1785), and many other great ulamas. Their scholarly works are still well-acknowledged academically in the Muslim World, and become interesting objects of research. The richness of (Islamic) treasures of the Archipelago has since many decades become "laboratory of knowledge" of many foreign researchers. Thomas Stamford Raffles (1781-1826) with his History of Java, Cliffort Geertz (1926-2006) with his anthropological theory in the Religion of Java, and Benedict Anderson (1936-2015) with his political theory in Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, just to mention a few of foreign researchers, are those who have developed their magnum opus by conducting research in Indonesia. Based on the aforementioned potentialities, Indonesia diserves acknowledgement as one of the center of Islamic civilization. The existence of Islam in Indonesia with numerous human, academic, and Islamic institutional resources has absolutely to be promoted widely to other countries across the world.
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